
Showing posts from May, 2016

I Don’t Want A Lover, I Want A Best Friend

It sounds beautiful, doesn’t it? Finding a lover. A person to kiss. A person to go on dates with. A person whose hand you squeeze during scary movies. A person to open your life to, give your heart to, who you can see yourself with, years and years down the road. But finding that person is scary. There’s so many rules and restrictions in today’s dating world. A ‘lover’ is supposed to be attractive and s#xy and enticing and reliable and romantic and everything we’ve ever dreamed of, right? He/she’s supposed to be this perfect person. But perfection in love? That’s not real. And finding a flawless, completes-me type of person? Impossible. (Thank goodness, because none of us would make the cut.) That’s why I don’t want something perfect. And why I don’t want a lover. I want a best friend. I want someone I can be completely myself around. I want to wake up in the morning, hair all sleepy and messy around my face, makeup off, baggy t-shirt on, and not feel like I have to be anything I’m not

17 Reasons Why High School Sweethearts Have The Strongest Relationships

1. You started dating during your most awkward phases. You fell in love in the time of braces, heavy clownish makeup, and and douchey Abercrombie t-shirts. If you were attracted to each other even then, you’re set for life. 2. You’ve gotten to see how far each of you has come. You’ve seen each other graduate high school, head off to college, have no sense of direction for a couple years, kind of figure things out, graduate college, and cautiously step into adulthood. And now you can admire how much progress you’ve each made since you were teenagers. 3. You understand each other so well that sometimes words aren’t even necessary. You’ve known each other for a long time and know the things you have each experienced from adolescence into adulthood. So when one of you is having a hard time, you don’t even have to explain why. The other person just gets it. 4. There’s a solid foundation to fall back on. Every relationship has its ups and downs. And when you guys are in a low point together

11 Things You Need To Know Before You Date Someone Whose Love Language Is ‘Touch’

According to the best-selling book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts there are five different ways in which people like to give and receive affection towards their loved ones. Problems arise in relationships when we don’t realize that people have these different ways of giving love. One person may feel unloved if their partner doesn’t tell them explicitly about their feelings every day while another could never hear “I love you” but be totally blissful as long as they spend hours together watching Netflix every week. If you or your partner’s love language is touch, here are some things to keep in mind. 1. There is no feeling as good as the steady, quiet reassurance of frequent tender touches from your loved one. Whether you are at home watching a movie together, at a family event, or at some mundane place like the grocery store their touch always affirms their feelings for you and your happiness in the relationship. Click to continue reading

You Don’t Deserve Someone Who Comes Back, You Deserve Someone Who Never Leaves

I used to wonder about people coming back after they’ve decided to leave. I used to wait for the day they come back and realize that they messed up or realize that life is miserable without me. But then I realized that better than all this mess is someone who never leaves. Someone who never leaves when you hit bumps in the road, someone who never leaves when the rain starts falling down on you, someone who never leaves no matter how many other people are trying to get their attention, someone who chooses to stay every single day. You deserve someone who never leaves when you tell them about the things you did that you’re ashamed of and the things that happened to you that you promised not to tell anyone. When you tell them about the things you really don’t like about yourself and the things you hated about your past. You deserve someone who never leaves no matter how dark it gets. You deserve someone who never leaves when you tell them how much you love them, how much you really want t

41 Guys Share The Secrets They Desperately Want Girls To Know

1. “It’s the little things you say off the cuff that I really remember.” 2. “I’m not mad means I’M NOT MAD!” 3. “I don’t have a clue. Seriously not a single one. If you want me to know something you better just tell me because I’m not gunna get it otherwise.” 4. “When we sit near you quietly, it doesn’t mean something is wrong! Guys are happy just sitting and being next to you. We don’t always need to be talking or doing anything to be content.” 5. “I know when you look in the mirror, all you see are flaws. What you hate, what you despise. What you wish you had, what you dreamed you had. But all I see is the girl who makes me laugh. The girl who makes me smile. The girl who’s clever. The girl who’s witty. The girl who never gives up. But most of all I see the girl who makes me feel like I’ve won the jackpot every day. And I know, no matter how many times you look in the mirror, you’ll probably never see any of these amazing things, but I needed you to know that it’s what I see every ti

39 Things Girls Will Just NEVER Understand About Being A Guy

1. We always have to make the first move “Some of us really wouldn’t mind if you made the first move.” 2. How utterly socially alone we are sometimes “How utterly socially alone we are sometimes. Most women seem to have many friends that they could call on in a second to provide deep emotional support. No guy friend has ever put their arm around me and told me it’s going to be OK. I don’t know any man I could cry to or just be with if I’m feeling down and desperate. Sure we can relate, and we can complain to each other. We can go out for a drink and talk and listen to problems and give solid advice and be there for the other guy. It doesn’t seem the same as the emotional support I see many women have, it’s an incredible gift to be able to let yourself go. Also, if you put an eye-tracking camera on the average dude and reviewed the footage of them walking down the street it would be a sea of breasts and butts. I barely know what my own main road looks like because every time I walk down

27 Beautiful Bible Verses For Every Girl In Need Of Love, Reassurance And Strength

1. “God is within her, she will not fall.” — Psalm 46:5 2. “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” — Proverbs 31:25 3. “The Lord is my strength and my shield.” — Psalm 28:76 4. “I loved you at your darkest.” — Romans 5:8 5. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” — Joshua 1:9 6. “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” — Proverbs 31:26 7. “Under His wings you will find refuge.” — Psalm 9:1 8. “Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.” — Philippians 4:6-8 9. “By the grace of God, I am what I am.” — 1 Corinthians 15:10 10. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.” — Proverbs 3:5-6 11. “Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill His

To My Fellow Girls, Please Don’t Settle

Not in a job you hate, not in a town where you don’t feel at home, not with friendships that aren’t real, and especially, especially not with love. You deserve someone who will smile at your silly jokes, who will kiss your forehead when you’ve had a long day, and who will absentmindedly reach for your hand across the center console when he’s driving, just because he wants to feel your fingers twisted with his. You deserve a guy who doesn’t just spend the night, but spends the morning. Who cooks your favorite chocolate chip waffles with peanut butter and brings them on a tray to your bed when you’re sick. Who hums your favorite song, off-key and awkward, just to make you laugh. Who takes you on a walk to his favorite hill in town, and kisses you as the sun sets. You deserve a guy who doesn’t just spend the night, but spends the morning. You are strong and gentle, determined and loving, complicated and kind, and you deserve someone who looks past your flaws and the way you curl your hair

To The Boy Who Emotionally Destroyed Me

I want you to imagine this: a girl sitting on her bedroom floor, dry-heaving, her body convulsing with each failed attempt at silencing the sobs, banging her fists onto the ground as she tried to make sense of it all. Now, I want you imagine my face because that girl was me, and I was never good enough for you. I was constantly coming second to dozens of other girls. You made me feel completely worthless. You emotionally ruined me. I don’t hate you, though. Instead I want to thank you. Despite it taking me months, I finally realized that it wasn’t me not being good enough for you, but you not being good enough for me. These words have resonated with me for some time, and I am constantly reminding myself that I deserve better than the distorted perception of love that was handed to me on a tarnished silver platter. I deserve better than being ignored, I deserve better than being manipulated, and I deserve better than you. I know I’m not the same girl that was on my bedroom floor that ni

10 Things You Learn From Being Raised By A Strong Mother

1. You learn the value of independence. You don’t need a man to save you or anyone to take care of you, you learn by example that you are capable of living a full and happy life without having to share it with someone else. You learn that you can build a home, raise kids, cook, and do the dishes all while having a thriving career. You pretty much learn how to be super woman. 2. You learn the meaning of unconditional love. You saw your mom sacrifice her time, health and youth for you and your siblings, yet she never complained or gloated about how much she is suffering or how much she is doing. She always had a smile on her face and was happily giving more and more of herself. She taught you what selfless and unconditional love looks like, and you know you won’t be able to find that love anywhere else. 3. You learn how to love yourself. You learn how to walk away from the things that are not meant for you, you learn how to keep going even when the whole world is against you, and you lea

23 Unromantic Signs That You’ve Found Your Soulmate

1. You have a blast doing super boring stuff together, like grocery shopping, running to the pharmacy, or doing your taxes. 2. You have more fun eating takeout on the couch than you do dining out at a five-star restaurant. 3. One of your favorite things about being with them is eating whatever the hell you want without worrying about looking cute. 4. You somehow fall for them even more after you see their real, no holds barred, mouth-open sleeping face. 5. And you’re just as comfortable with them seeing yours… drool and all. 6. You can certainly appreciate one another when you’re all dressed up. But your favorite versions of each other are sweatpants, your favorite ratty old t-shirts, and no prep time. 7. You treasure their casual handwritten notes and cards more than the most expensive thing they’ve ever given you. 8. They call you out when you need to be called out on something, and vice versa. 9. Your PDA is relatively nonexistent. At this point you have so much more fun with smirks

50 Dirty Jokes That Are (Never Appropriate But) Always Funny

No matter the setting, these 50 hilarious, unsavory jokes are never entirely appropriate. But if you’re bold enough to deliver a punchline, you deserve the laughs it’ll earn you. 1. What’s the difference between a G-spot and a golf ball? A guy will actually search for a golf ball. 2. What does the sign on an out-of-business brothel say? Beat it. We’re closed. 3. Why was the guitar teacher arrested? For fingering a minor. 4. What’s the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms? One’s a Goodyear. The other’s a great year. 5. Why does Santa Claus have such a big sack? He only comes once a year. Click to the next page

24 Unnerving Last Words From Some Of The Most Depraved, Disturbing Serial Killers Who Ever Existed

TED BUNDY — JANUARY 24, 1989 Body Count: 30–36+ “I’d like you to give my love to my family and friends.” PETER MANUEL — JULY 11, 1958 Body Count: 7-9 “Turn up the radio and I’ll go quietly.” AILEEN WUORNOS — OCTOBER 9, 2002 Body Count: 7 “I’ll be back.” KENNETH MCDUFF — NOVEMBER 17, 1998 Body Count: 9-14+ “I am ready to be released. Release me.” CARROLL COLE — DECEMBER 6, 1985 Body Count: 16 “It’s all right.” ANGEL RESENDIZ — JUNE 27, 2006 Body Count: 14+ “I deserve what I am getting.” FRITZ HAARMANN — APRIL 15, 1925 Body Count: 24-27+ “I repent, but I do not fear death.” JOHN WAYNE GACY — MAY 10, 1994 Body Count: 33–34 “Kiss my ass.” MARCEL PETIOT — MAY 25, 1946 Body Count: 27+ “Gentlemen, I have one last piece of advice: look away. This will not be pretty to see.” PETER KÜRTEN — JULY 2, 1931 Body Count: 9+ “After my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from the stump of my neck? That would be a pleasure to e

8 Things I Learned From Being Single AF For One Whole Year

1. I can accomplish so much more than I dreamed I could. Anyone who knows me well enough knows how neurotic I am, always working on something, I’m just restless in general. But I noticed an annoying thing I do in relationships, which is tending to the needs of my partner instead of putting my priorities first. Now that I’m putting myself first I have watched so much of my hard work pay off and it’s the best feeling in the world. 2. Just because I accept someone else’s flaws doesn’t mean they will accept mine. I reflect a lot on the past and that includes past relationships. All of my relationships have obviously “failed”, or ended so I’ve reflected on the characteristics of the guys I tend to be attracted to. All of the guys I have been with had red flags initially, but I appreciated them still- their flaws were something real and authentic– but these beautiful flawed men couldn’t accept me for who I am, which in my opinion is the worst form of rejection. I’ve had to forgive myself for

7 Reasons To Move To NYC After You Graduate

So you’re about to graduate from college. The moment you never thought would arrive is finally here. What’s next? You’ve always dreamt you would just move to New York City and get your dream job and everything would fall into place… but now that the time has come… you’re having doubts. Well don’t. I’m not saying that you are going to get your dream job and I’m not saying that everything is going to fall into place. But I am saying you should move to New York City. Why? 1. Because you want to, but also because you are afraid to. No one ever said chasing your dreams was going to be easy.  If you don’t do things in life simply because you are afraid of them… well then you’re going to miss out on a lot of great things in life. Nothing exciting is going to happen to you as long as you stay in your comfort zone. If you can’t take a chance right now, when you are young, unattached and with minimal responsibilities… then when do you think you’re going to? Probably never would be my guess. 2. F

Maybe We Aren’t Supposed To Ever Fully Let Go

I’ve come to find that the most used phrase that people use in giving advice to a recently wounded heart is to “let go”. Their advice is to just simply “let go” of that person and the grief that is wrapped up in your heart. But my question is, how the hell does anyone that has loved someone simply “let go”? People tell you that it is finally time to move on. That it’s time to rid yourself of that person, to burn the letters, to wipe the tears and to walk away. They say it with ease, as if losing a human being you once thought you would marry is something to brush off. They tell you “it’s been years” and ask “Why? Why do you still think of him with a sad look on your face? Why do you even mention his name anymore? He’s a thing of the past”, they say. “He’s not your future anymore;  let go of him”, they plead. “Let go of that part of your soul”, they spat. I’ve come to find that maybe some people don’t understand what it feels like to have loved another person with every bone in your bod

13 Things To Remember When You Love A Person Who Has Depression

1. Depression is not a choice. Depression is one of the most helpless and frustrating experiences a person can have. It’s sometimes feeling sad, sometimes feeling empty, and sometimes feeling absolutely nothing at all. There are times when depression can leave someone feeling paralyzed in their own mind and body, unable to do the things they used to love to do or the things they know they should be doing. Depression is not just a bad day or a bad mood and it’s not something someone can just “get over.” Remember no one chooses to be depressed. 2. Saying things like “it’ll get better,” “you just need to get out of the house,” or “you’ll be fine” is meaningless. It’s easy to tell someone these things because you think you’re giving them a solution or a simple way to make them feel better and to ease their pain, but these kinds of phrases always come across as empty, insulting, and essentially meaningless. Saying these phrases to them only create more tension within, making them feel as th

12 Movie S*x Scenes That Are Better Than P*rn

Oral S#x – Blue Valentine (2010) The authenticity in this scene between Ryan Gosling and Michelle Williams is the entire reason why Blue Valentine was originally rated NC-17. Enough said. The Affair – Chloe (2009) In this film, a woman (Julianne Moore) hires an esc#rt (Amanda Seyfried) to seduce her husband, and then ends up getting seduced herself, culminating in this steamy scene. Seyfried is seriously at her best, and I would apologize that the clip is in a different language, but I doubt anyone even noticed. Annette & Sebastian – Cruel Intentions (1999) This cherry-popping scene between Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe is heightened by the fact that these two actors were already in a serious relationship outside the film. The chemistry is tangible, and really makes us wish Reese and Ryan could have somehow made it work. Click to the next page

50 Little Reminders That Will Get You Through Any Tough Day

1. We’ve all had them and you are not alone. 2. Tomorrow is a fresh start where today can be washed away. 3. We have all gone through loss, but the best stories are when you grow stronger from that loss. 4. You are still alive and breathing. 5. You’re worthy of greatness even if you don’t see it yet. 6. What you are feeling today does not define you. 7. Time truly heals most anything. 8. Count your blessings, not your calories. 9. You are allowed to not be ok. 10. Your anxiety or depression is nothing to be ashamed of. 11. Someone in this world cares deeply about you. 12. Asking for help does not make you weak. 13. Forty-years from now, you won’t care about eating more than one piece of cake. 14. Comparing yourself to others, will do nothing but damage your mind. 15. Everyone is overly conscious of themselves and probably will never notice your blemishes. 16. Don’t keep your negative feelings hidden. Talk to someone. 17. Every day is a gift to do something new. 18. Even if today sucked

Read This If You’re Scared You Will Never Find Your Purpose In Life

I have been wandering around this planet for the last 23 years without a single clue as to what the fuck I’m here for. If I know one thing for sure, it’s that I know who I am and I know that I am good, I know that the deepest, even darkest, parts of me, they know no evil. That has to count for something, right? What do you do when you feel like being a good person is all you’re really even good at? What about when simply being a good person doesn’t feel like it’s enough. Some days it feels as if everyone around me has found their purpose in life and by purpose, I’m not even quite sure I know what I mean. By purpose, do I mean figuring out ones career? Eh, I don’t know. I’d like to think our “purpose” in life should far surpass just some career. Then I think, “But maybe deciding on a career, you know, finding something we’re good at, that we get paid for, maybe that’s part of finding our own purpose?” I go back and forth trying to figure out just what “finding purpose” really means. I f

How Much Of A Functional Hot Mess Are You Really?

To be human is to be a little…messy. But to be a functional mess is pure art. Want to know if you fit the bill? In partnership with Netflix’s new original comedy series Lady Dynamite, we’re bringing you the “Functional Hot Mess” quiz, testing your skills – or lack thereof. Take the quiz and be sure to watch Lady Dynamite premiering on Netflix May 20th, about a woman who goes through the relatable journey of losing – and then finding – her s**t. Let's play

Why Modern Dating Makes Me Want To Punch Myself In The Throat

As a 22-year-old single woman I’m pretty much living in the thickest part of the modern hookup culture – perfecting the art of getting the right guy to buy you a drink at a bar, crafting the perfect response to a text to make you seem just interested enough, taking the proper five seconds to adequately judge a person and determine whether or not to swipe left or right on Tinder. That’s the world I live in now and I have to confess: I hate it with every fiber of my being. Maybe it’s because I let insignificant events ruminate in my mind far past their welcome. Or maybe it’s because I react too sensitively to the people with whom I share the world. Or maybe the modern dating scene is just horrendously fucked up. It’s probably all three, but in the interest of, well, maintaining your interest, let’s just talk about that third observation. While I was in a relationship, I heard people complain about the single life all of the time. Stories from my friends, articles on the Internet, anythin

16 Guys Reveal What They’re Thinking When They See Their Girlfriend N*ked

1. “She has no idea how beautiful she is.” —Joey, 27 2. “I notice every curve, freckle, scratch, and scar, and I love them all. I love everything about her, and when she’s naked I love every part of her.” —Bryan, 26 3. “I’m thinking, dayum. That’s basically it.” —Carl, 25 4. “She’s way out of my league.” —Daniel, 28 5. “I’m doing everything I can to calm myself down and not get too excited.” —Stephen, 24 6. “She’s absolutely nuts for having any complaints about her body.” —Clint, 26 7. “Sit on my face, NOW.” —Kevin, 24 8. “I think of that Ludacris song where he wants to lick her from her head to her toes.” —JJ, 25 9. “I’m trying to remember this moment because I’m going to want to imagine it later when she’s not around.” —Michael, 27 10. “I’m wondering why she ever asks me if her ass looks fat because when she’s naked it looks phenomenal.” —Gerry, 28 11. “I’d like to put those breasts in my mouth.” —Cole, 23 12. “Can I touch?” —Landon, 24 13. “Besides the obvious desire to have s#x wit

Everyone’s Obsessed With ‘Adulting’ And I’m Tired Of Pretending I Give A F*ck

I had my first quarter-life crisis this year. While traveling Southeast Asia, I contracted a nasty case of Dengue Fever and spent a week cooped up in a hotel room in Cambodia, wondering if I was doing it all wrong. You see, for a long time I was doing adulthood right. I had a nice apartment and a serious boyfriend. I had a 9-5 job in an office and a comfortable amount of savings in the bank. My life was laid out the way every twenty-something dreamed theirs to be, except for one thing: I was miserable. At the risk of sounding horribly cliché, I’ve never been the 9-5 type. The daily grind drives me mad. Monogamous relationships make me feel claustrophobic. Doing things the way my parent’s generation did them makes me feel like a brain dead zombie – and yet for a long time, I followed in their proud footsteps anyway. Because I thought that was what it meant to be an adult. But the thing is, I eventually got tired of playing grown-up. I lost the boyfriend and the apartment and the office

10 Things I Learnt While Everyone Else Was Getting Married

1. Your ‘type’ changes drastically as time goes by. Especially in your mid to late twenties. You start looking for deeper and more solid qualities like responsibility, honesty and integrity instead of fun, charming and super attractive. You begin to appreciate a partner you can talk to about meaningful things, about your problems, about your family and about your work because as you grow up, the things that matter to you change drastically too. 2. Finding the right career is more important than getting married. Finding the right career for you is the most rewarding gift you can give yourself. It will give you something to look forward to and will always motivate you to grow and learn new things. It will make you a better person and a happier person and you will not have to depend on love to make you happy. 3. Modern dating sucks but it really teaches you a lot. Modern dating sucks but with every dating disaster that happens to you, you learn one more thing about yourself and about the