30 Horrifying Hotel Stories That Make ‘The Shining’ Look Like Child’s Play

1. My mother found a decapitated head in the closet

My mother used to work at a hotel in Washington DC back in the 90s as a housekeeper/maid since she needed money because she was a refugee from Vietnam. Even though she didn’t know much English at the time, she knew enough to get by at her job and all the other staff and hotel guests loved her because of how sweet she was. Because of this, anytime high profile guests (such as the Backstreet Boys) would stay at the hotel, the manager always sent my mom to clean the room since she was good at it.

Anyways, one day, a guest came, who will we refer to him as Mr. M because I don’t know his real name, and checked in to their most expensive suite. As usual, the manager told my mom to go take care of his room. As she got there, there was a “do not disturb” sign so she told the manager she would come back later. What was weird was that no one was ever allowed in his room. The man stayed there for over a month and not one time did he let a staff come in to clean. However, he paid a lot and he gave a warm welcome every time he passed a staff member/housekeeper so no one payed him any attention. Then one day, people didn’t see him anymore so they assumed he checked out, even though the receptionist had no account of this. Since it had been so long since the room was cleaned and the “Do not disturb” sign wasn’t on the door anymore, the manager told my mom to go check it out and try to clean up what she could. As she got to the floor and unlocked the door to the room, a disturbing smell hit her. She couldn’t figure out what it was but she continued to survey the room, which was disgustingly messy. Her words were that, “it looked like someone had thrown a rave”, even though no other guests seemed to have ever gone into the room besides Mr. M. It had looked like Mr. M had deserted the place without telling anyone. Anyways, my mom was still shocked by the smell so she tried to track it down. As she followed the smell, she could tell it was coming from the hotel room closet. When she opened the closet, there was nothing but a cardboard box on the ground from which the smell was resonating from. In the moment from being a housekeeper, my mother’s first instinct was to open the box to see what it was and clean/throw it out. When she opened the box, what she saw scarred her to this day. It was the rotting/decomposing head of a young woman chopped off. My mother immediately screamed and got out of there, where she fainted in the elevator. Once she woke up, cops were everywhere and the hotel was like a CSI scene. The manager told her that Mr. M wasn’t his real name and he used a fake credit card to check in. The head of the woman was identified to be like a call girl/prostitute type person. I don’t know much more and any nitty gritty details but i’m sure one can look it up on the internet for more information. Needless to say, my mom quit that day.

2. Ghosts were trapped in an elevator with me

Got into a lift from the top floor to head down. Lift stopped at 4th floor, door opened, saw people outside standing still, making no attempt to come in despite me being alone inside and there was room for them. The automatic lift door then closed and before it was completely shut, I heard someone outside said “Why is the lift so full of people?”

3. My wife had a gun pointed at her

This happened roughly four years back. My wife worked at a Holiday Inn, and this isn’t unexplained, but more horrific. There was a guy staying there for more than month. I picked my wife up at night, and often used their lounge which is where I met him. He was early twenties, and a marine based on the uniform he always wore. To be frank, he kind of annoyed me.

One day while I’m not there waiting on my wife he calls down to the front desk and asks that they call the police. He says someone’s going to get hurt. They make the call and then see through their system that he also called 911. They, my wife yet, wife and the assistant manager, really can’t do anything at that moment but continue with work. Apparently police came about pretty regularly, mostly dealing with drunks.

The assistant manager had to deal with something out in hotel, and a minute or two later the police show up and my wife went out to show them to the stairs when she goes by the lounge, the marine is there with a pistol pointed at the head of the assistant manager, who is face down on the ground.

He points that gun at my wife.

A moment later he spots the police, and she manages to hide back in the office. She heard two shots, and that was it.

The marine had a pellet gun.

There are a lot of details left out here. My wife is fine these days. The marine had a rough go, and I hate to this day that I didn’t take the time to really talk with him.

4. A woman spread blood and feces around the room

I worked at a hotel for about a year. It was usually pretty good. Some people would stay at the hotel for weeks or a month at a time for business reasons. But there was this one old lady that had been there even before I started working that just stayed in her room all day, occasionally leaving to go down the hill and pick berries or something along the street. Maybe get food or other supplies. Idk. She really wasn’t a problem other than not letting people into her room.

About January of this year, she started acting weird. Like yelling at people walking by her room, calling down to the front desk and being angry about things that had never happened. This goes on for about a week and then she just goes off the deep end. She starts standing outside of her room, yelling at people that entered her sight, no matter how far away they were. She would call down to the front desk, but now she would say eerily creepy things like “You shouldn’t have done that. You’ll be sorry for that. I can find you.” And then she’d hang up.

Eventually, after about 2 weeks, we forcibly ejected her after her credit card declined. She threw a fit and had to be removed off the premises by her son. Let me tell you, going into that room was like entering hell.

Stains all over the carpet, blood and feces spread across the walls in the bathroom, blood on the mattresses, empty cans everywhere, jarred foods that stank to high heaven, boxes sealed shut, some with black ooze dripping out of them. Light bulbs stacked in the corner, all in perfect condition but not used in the lights. It was horrible.

Found out she went off the deep end because she had been denied her pills for some kind of mental thing.

5. I found footprints on the ceiling

Worked in a motel when I was 17-18. I was at the front desk not working when the housekeeping guy called me to check something out in a room that was being cleaned. I go up there and the housekeeping guy is standing in the middle pointing up to the ceiling.

There was a set of bare foot prints on the ceiling which is at least 10 ft high. Bare. Not shoes or slippers and only in the middle and no where else. There’s no way he jumped that high upside down and no prints on the walls either.

Also he left a single bullet on the bed.

6. I watched a shadow person approach me

I used to work in my Aunt and Uncles hotel in a Scottish village about twelve years ago and the freakiest shit that happened to me was one night when I was sleeping in the staff quarters and heard a banging noise from along the corridor. This was about 3am after most of the staff had gone to bed. I got up to go and tell whoever was coming in late to shut the fuck up so I could go back to sleep but the corridor was empty. Well lit I have to add, this is key.

So I walk down the end of the corridor to see if it’s folk coming up the stairs drunk or whatever, I look down to see a figure stomping up the stairs. The only way I can describe it is as though a shadow of a person that was solid. There were no features on the face or clothes on its body. Imagine someone in a black morph suit walking along but you could see things through them.

I turned and ran back to my room and shut the door. I could still hear the stomping for some time and I don’t think I got a wink of sleep at all that night. I didn’t leave my room until the sun was shining through my window. I asked a few of the other staff if they heard the banging the night before but nobody else had, and like fuck was I gonna mention seeing shadow men coming up the stairs at 3am.

7. A man set his entire room on fire

One night a few hours after I had arrived for my shift a guest kept coming down and aimlessly wandering around the lobby and breakfast area. He was doing extremely odd things like talking to himself and sitting down at a breakfast table only to stand up and switch chairs at the same table every 2-3 minutes. Every time I asked him if he needed help he would jerk a little and mumble that he didnt need anything.

Well a few hours or so after he finally went to his room he came back down and said he had turned the heater on and it made him short of breath and needed me to call an ambulance. So even though I was confused I obliged. About a minute later the hotels fire alarms started to go off. The whole time the firemen where going up and down from his room they kept asking if he had anyone with him or if he was alone and I kept telling them that he was in fact alone and had no other guests in the room with him.

After the firemen left and everything was back to “Normal” I went to go look in the mans room. He had rearranged all of the furniture and put the TV in the bathroom and had put his trashcan in the middle of the room and set it on fire. The thing that troubled me wasnt the fact hat the man intentionally set his room on fire and could have possibly burned the hotel down, it was the fact that even though he was alone he had small children’s clothes spread around the room.

8. My friend found my clone staring at her

Not my story, but I am involved in a way. Several years ago, my college roommate, call her E, worked as the night manager for a newly built hotel. As was par for the course, I would often bring coffee in around 1/2am and chat for awhile. One night I showed up to my find E sitting at the front desk shaking her head looking completely perplexed. Allegedly she had just checked-in what could only be described as the doppelgänger of our other roommate, M, who was alike down to the same height, hair style, eye color and southern accent (odd as we live in the North). E tried to speak with the new guest and show her a picture of M on her phone, but was rebuffed several times. We both chalked it up to coincidence as we knew M was visiting her parents and we went on to enjoy our coffee. Shortly after 2, I decided to head home. It wasn’t until a around 2:30 when I pulled into our garage that I checked my phone to see a series of texts from E to M and I at 2:17 “Stop…” “Not funny” “You guys suck” “What the hell”. Naturally I was confused and called her back. This is when things got weird and E sounded hysterical on the phone. Apparently M and I, inthe same clothes I wore earlier, had been standing at the end of the main hallway staring at her. E thought this was a joke and kept calling out to no response. Eventually the front desk phone rang and in the time it took to answer it, we both had disappeared. I calmed her down over the phone and the next morning we talked through the possibilities trying to rationalize what she “saw”. The guest who looked like M did come back to the front desk later that morning to inquire about some services and much to E’s surprise looked only vaguely similar. The only thing that scares me to this day and that I never told her is that when I got into our house, the kitchen clock was stuck on 2:17 and directly next to it sat a photo of M and I smiling that I had only developed that afternoon. Still no explanations and nothing ever weird happened at the hotel again, but it still makes me uneasy to this day.

9. An employee disappeared in front of me

I was once in a hotel with my sister and we were walking through the halls. Then we decided to have fun and see what staff doors were open. We got into the weight room (it was 3 AM was supposed to be locked) and started screwing with the weight equipment. Just as we are about to leave this one employe gets up from the dark corner and walks out in front of us. We rush out just to see him walk down the stairs. Still in the mood of adventure we head to the stairs and see her going down… and down. She went to the basement and then gone. The stairs ended in a cut off area, and there was no where to go, but she was gone. Creeped out we took a zig zag path back to our room to not be followed.

10. I heard noises from the empty room above me

I don’t work in a hotel, but my job requires me to travel a lot. The most unexplainable experience for me happened during my stay in a hotel I frequent. After a long day, I tried to get some sleep as I had to get up early the next morning, but for some reason, I would hear this noise from the room above me. It sounded like someone dragging a table or chair across the floor, as if they were rearranging their room. At first I thought nothing of it, but this continued every few minutes for about 2 hours. I finally got fed up and called the front desk, they sent Security to check it out, turns out there’s nobody in the room above. The noise continued after and I had no choice but to switch to another room.

11. A bridesmaid got the shit kicked out of her

The swinger parties were always extra interesting. Conventions of 60-150 mostly couples (you paid extra if you were a single due to “uneven number”) They would rent out whole floors and take over the pool area. We had to add black shades to cover up the entire indoor pool area as it had floor to ceiling windows. I was a bartender and saw so many business men pick up hookers. There were quite a few sting operations to sniff them out while I worked there. They arrested something like 65 one night. Worst ever was the wedding weekend riot. Four different wedding groups staying in the hotel drinking until I shut down at 3am. One bride felt a bridesmaid from another wedding was looking at her new husband. The bride and her bridal party jumped the other bridesmaid so badly her scalp needed to be reattached and she lost sight from one eye. Men soon got involved and cops stormed in from 8 different neighboring towns. The worst image was a man covered in blood holding a huge grey goose bottle over his head like a gladiator as he beat one of the grooms with it.

12. My mother was lifted off of the floor

Before I was born, my parents decided to move to the coast and open their own little seaside hotel. The first thing to do when they moved in was to clean all the rooms, so they took half each to speed things up. My mum told me this story when I was little: She was in room number 8 doing some vacuuming when the whole carpet started ‘rippling’. When I was little, I didn’t think this sounded scary at all, as I just thought that maybe the carpet had got caught on the vacuum or something, and so I never really thought about it again. Fast forward to about a month ago: I remembered this old story and made fun of my mum a bit for thinking it was creepy, when it was obviously explainable. She looked confused and told me I must have not understood her when I was little…  Apparently what had actually happened was that the entire carpet had rippled in a constant fluid wave-type motion, and all the furniture AND HERSELF had been lifted up and down off of the floor for about 10 seconds. She then screamed bloody murder at my dad down the hallway and told him they were selling the place before it had even opened… He managed to convince her otherwise, but she never went back in that room..

It scares more because my mum doesn’t believe in the supernatural or anything like that and doesn’t have any other creepy stories at all, just this one that she doesn’t like to talk about often.

13. An invisible presence sat on the bed

Not me but my cousin worked in a pretty popular hotel in New York City. There was a particular room that was always unoccupied and the hotel workers would use it to take naps. My cousin threw her coat on a chair that was facing the window and took a nap in the bed. She said she felt the weight of someone getting into the bed and she immediately sat up. There was no one in sight, but her coat was now on the bed and the chair that had been facing the window was facing the bed. Could’ve easily been her co-worker creeping but still spooky.

14. A man committed suicide in his room

Hotel bartender here. Started a few months ago at a more upscale place. It was a quiet evening and a distraught looking guy came to the bar and ordered a shot and a beer. I was catching some fucked up vibes.

To lighten the mood I tried to drum up some light hearted conversation. He tried to talk but couldn’t. So I asked him if everything was alright.

He said no. I asked well what’s wrong. Anything I can do to help? How about a plate of some food. On the house buddy.

He declines, proceeded to tell me the esc#rt he hired slit her wrists and is dead in his rooms bathtub.

I jumped back and was like holy shit I’m calling 911. After calling 911 I ran back to the bar to find the man slumped on the bar not moving. I run over to check on him and his pulse is weak and he is pale and cold.

After the police and medics arrive and cleaned up the mess. Dead hooker and dead depressed business man. There was the mans suicide note found in the room by another guest a few days later (yup a few days) that said he wanted to feel a woman’s touch one more time before over dosing on something that killed him at my bar.

Fucked up. I got a week off work to deal with it and was shocked when I came back everything was like nothing happened.

15. We found loaded guns in the fitness room

I used to work for a big name chain property in California, high touristy area. Relatively safe because of the high traffic of people. The people who stayed were mainly business people and families on vacation. Not at all on the same level of sleazy motels. One morning, one of the housekeepers comes running to the front desk and is freaking out. Turns out one of the guests discovered a bag of unattended, LOADED guns in the fitness room. We have no idea who it belonged to and cops are called. Management instructs me to sit in the fitness room and guard the gun bag and not allow anyone to take it while we wait for the cops to arrive. They didn’t even lock me into the fitness room in case the owner decided to come back and retrieve their cache of guns. Mind you, I am a 5ft, 115 lbs girl with no self-defense skills. By then, word is sweeping through the hotel that there is a loaded gun in the fitness room, so I was half expecting some criminal dude to burst in at any minute. As someone who never encounters this sort of shit, this was definitely high on scariest moments while working.

16. A man jumped off of the hotel roof

Worked as a chef for a Hilton. Remember speaking with one of the managers of a different downtown hotel, very high end, and he told me this story:

Manager was on his way out of the hotel after working one evening and saw a homeless guy a ways out sleeping on the lawn. He decided to walk back in and tell the front desk employees to try and get him off property.

Came back in for work the next morning and saw the same homeless guy still sleeping on the lawn so he ran in to chew out the front desk manager about how the employees didn’t do as he asked. They both walked out to get the bum to leave and they found the bum was wearing a nice suit coat.

Turns out it was a wealthy business man who had jumped off the 12th story balcony and had just been dead there all night and half the day. Turns out no one saw him fall.

Sad story actually.

17. We found a pentagram painted on the carpet

One of the hotels I work at was changing their room layouts, and when they moved a bed they found a red pentagram painted (I hope) on the carpet beneath it. Nobody could figure out how long it could’ve been there. Not too crazy really bit a little weird

18. A mystery man creeped out our guest

I work front desk. About an hour after checking a guest in, she came back downstairs asking to be moved. She happened to be in a room that connected to another room. After getting settled in she said she started to hear noises coming from the other room which weren’t a concern until the other people tried to open her connecting door from their side. The gap between her door and the door frame was just wide enough to see just a sliver into the other room, so when she went over to tell the other person to stop curiosity got the best of her and she peeked through and saw a man staring at her from the other side. She told him to cut it out and he just stood there at the door, trying the handle every once in a while.

Not wanted to deal with it anymore she came down and asked to be moved away from this creepy dude. Understandable.

So I check the computer and notice that there is no guest registered in that room, so either someone at the desk goofed and didn’t complete the check in, or someone is in the hotel that shouldn’t be. No one answered when I called the room, so I sent security up. He called from the room saying that no one was in there.

Our engineer happened to be at the front desk when I was discussing all this with another agent and he mentioned that he had to go into that room to fix something. Mystery solved, he was in there fixing the door, making a racket and spooking this poor woman. Except he was never able to get into the room because the door lock wasn’t working, even with his master keycard (no idea why it started working again for security).

Over the course of the night nothing else happened and no mystery man was ever found. The guest was a regular so I didn’t think she was screwing with us, although I’m sure she could have just seen something in the shadows or whatever. Still pretty creepy at the time.

19. A woman had a miscarriage in the bedroom

This is my cousin’s story not mine… He worked through college by cleaning rooms. One day, he walked into a room and there was blood all over the bed and all over the bed. He called for management. Some woman had a miscarriage in the room and left it that way.

20. A man left behind blood, shit, and thongs

I’m an assistant manager at a fairly nice hotel in a little tourist town. It’s in the quiet side of town, not many buildings or anything nearby. There’s a little Italian place across the street and a subdivision visible from the hill. That’s about it. It’s normally really quiet, save for cranky old tourists who don’t understand how to use wireless, so hey. Whatever.

Then, we ended up with a string of weird things started happening. 47 Mile Man. Drunk guy who cut his throat on the pool door. Back alley abortion. Major drug bust. The weird cult-minded people who got mad at me for calling their cat fat. The angry Russian man with the vicious dog and the “keeper” nobody ever acknowledged.

Then the story about the thongs.

There was a guy named Michael, a childhood friend of one of the housekeepers back when I was a housekeeper myself. He was kind of sketchy, flirty, kept following us around every now and then. Occasionally he’d rent a room using his friend’s employee discount and would just stay for an extended period of time.

This was one of those times.

He was staying around for a week or so, and I was the person assigned to do his stayover. I went to go knock on his door, but before my fist could even connect, I just hear this godawful howling and cursing from the other side. Just a string of “fuck you”s from here to the end of time, stuff about how much he hated whoever he was talking to, crap about how it wasn’t their job to judge him. Loud enough that people are filing out of their rooms to see what the ruckus is, and I’m just standing there with my hand outstretched staring wide-eyed at the door.

Then silence.

I called the manager at the front and said I was scared to knock on the door, because the guy was batshit. He told me to forget it, but if he started yelling again to call down to the desk and he’d take care of it.

Fine, okay.

Then, he started yelling again. I call the manager. He sends up the guy’s friend–a dude named Will–from his break to go talk to him. Will goes in and vanishes for forty-five minutes, then comes back out and calmly informs me it’s no big deal. Michael was just talking to his mom. Also, he needs sheets.

And this went on for a while. Antics include him drunkenly kicking a garbage bag down the hallway and leaving a trail of soggy Corn Pops in his wake, outright running from the desk attendant when she asked what his girlfriend’s name was (apparently, he didn’t know who she was), and bringing in these dudes who basically stalked the head housekeeper in hopes of finding out if she was DTF (she wasn’t). We were all more than a little thankful when he left.

Except we had to clean his room. Or rather, Kristy–the housekeeper who’d been around the longest–had to clean his room. I watched her walk in, then I watched her walk out with this bewildered and horrified look on her face. She was always a little dramatic, so I just asked what was going on.

“They’re everywhere.”

“What is?”


Lo and behold, the room was trashed. Blood and shit were smeared across the walls like he was trying to paint a mural with human filth, garbage bags practically exploded over the room, the bathtub and sink as black as night. But, more baffling, there were thongs.

And indeed, they were everywhere. Strewn about like confetti, unused and freshly clean. They were stuffed under the bed, hanging out of drawers, rammed behind the furniture, tied around the pipes. They were heaped in corners, they were laid out in trails, they were crammed in the sink, they were practically coming out of our ears.

Just… women’s thongs.

Michael ended up fleeing altogether without paying the bill, so we never had the opportunity to ask him why the fucking hell he had so many thongs. Or whose blood was on the wall. Or why he’d decided to make a rainbow of shit in the bathroom. We’ve not heard from him since, and then his friend just went AWOL and stopped showing up to work.

I swear, though. Kristy seemed to get this look in her eyes whenever anyone mentioned underwear after that. Like it was a trigger word. Probably didn’t help she found a displaced thong tucked away neatly on her cart a week later. I don’t think I’ve seen anybody so bloodthirsty in my life.

21. The doors slammed behind me

I used to work in a hotel in Southern California, doing Security. Every night we would get a print out of what rooms were vacant. It was my job to go through all the rooms, ensure all lights are off and all windows are secure. I went into a room and found all the lights on, typical of Housekeeping after they clean. I started turning the lights off from the left side of the room, around to the windows and up to the bathroom. The bathroom has French style doors that open outward toward the room. The doors themselves have only hinges and two handles to pull them open, no other devices attached. The doors are also the very light-weight slatted wood.

Anyway I opened the left door out all the way so I could reach around it and turn the light off in the bathroom. After turning the light off I realized it was freezing in the room, which is not uncommon being Housekeeping liked it cold when they worked on a room. I reached up for the thermostat and when my hand was within 4 inches of it the door left door I just opened at the bathroom slammed shut. Terrified, I ran out of the room immediately. While pulling the door shut behind me the door deadbolt pushed itself out of the lock and it slammed into the door frame. I was petrified when I had to reach inside the door to disengaged it. I stood there for a minute or two with my eyes watering wondering WTF just happened. I decided to go back in and look to be sure of what happened. I went in and looked at the door, it was shut. I moved it around to see if it would close on it’s own, which it wouldn’t. I tried throwing the door to slam it and the door is so light weight it caught a lot of air and wouldn’t even shut all the way after throwing it closed. As far as I see it there isn’t any explanation for what happened, I stopped going into that room.

22. Alarm clocks went off without warning

My wife used to work night audit at a hotel on the oregon coast. She experienced quite a bit there with guests and the unexplained.

Mostly room 303 was there least rented room. When ever she walked past it at night the alarm clock in the room would go off. House keeping would claim that it was unplugged.

The front desk has a log book of guest complaints and most of those complaints were about room 303. Some examples are: pounding on the walls, feeling watched, seeing people, phone or alarm going off, tv turning on or off, bathroom light going on or off, hearing whispers or breathing and many more.

23. We could hear the whispers of children

I worked at a BnB in Savannah, GA for a while when I wasn’t in school. It was downtown so the building was a really old house that had been converted and updated a bit.

It had 4 floors including the “garden level” (slightly below street level but the effective 1st floor is the 2nd) and not surprisingly the higher up in the house you got the nicer the rooms.

As with most of Savannah, most of the buildings are supposedly fucking haunted as shit. Like filled to the brim, ghostbuster backpack level full of ghosts just all over the place. This BnB wasn’t the worst for stories, there was an old condemned house not far away that the parents starved their daughter in the top bedroom that was pretty creepy but I don’t think any murder went down in ours.

I do remember on the top floor landing if it was really quiet you could hear what sounded like children running around and sometimes you’d hear whispers.

I remember a woman I knew worked in another BnB and she claims she opened the dumbwaiter and there was a human torso standing in there. She shut it and it was gone when she reopened it.

24. A pot moved without me touching it

In the early 90’s I worked as a Sous chef at the hotel Colorado in Glenwood springs, Co. The employees there went to great lengths to tell me all of the juicy ghost stories associated with the place. Forbidden rooms, labyrinthine Basements, hauntings etc… I never really paid it any mind. But towards the end of my tenure there 2 very specific incidences led me to seek employment elsewhere. The Kitchen in this place was built in the late 18th century so think big, very tall ceilings and damn near ancient fittings and equipment. The first incident happened late at night on what we used to call the bar line. It was a small kitchen off the main kitchen galley. They had a late party in the bar and I was finishing up a long days shift. I had made an Ettoufee for the party that night and had to clean a big ass old pot. I had already finished everything else clean up wise so all I had left was to dry and hang said big ass old pot. The bar line had an over head pot hangy thingy with giant hooks to hold the pots by the handles. These hooks were 4 to 5 inches deep and could have been used to hang beef. I dried the pot and slipped it on the hook and made my way around the corner to the breakroom to clock out and grab my shit. I am the only one left in the kitchen so i go through and start to turn off the lights and make my way to the back delivery door. As I laid my hand on the doorknob a tremendous clangor shot through the whole kitchen. It sounded like a cannon had gone off and made me jump about 3.5 feet off the ground. My heart is racing and my mind is going a mile a minute. I immediately turn all the lights back on and give out the old “anyone there” call. No one was there. I grabbed the biggest butcher knife we had, affectionately named Ol’ Choppy and started to slowly ninja my way through the galley seeking out whatever the hell had made that sound. After a brief but thorough search I determined that it must have come from the bar line. Great, nothing like a blind corner and creepy ass activity to make a man feel special. I slowly, and I mean slowly made my way around the corner with the ever faithful Choppy guiding the way. Lo and behold the pot I had hung up was laying prostrate on the ground. I look up at the hook and all is well. How in the fuck did that thing jump off a 5 inch hook?! I was really really disturbed by this. I picked up the pot and hung it on the hook on the opposite side of the pot hanger and quickly made my way out there. Here’s the kicker, as I locked the door from outside, BOOM!! The sound of a pot hitting the ground but muffled through a locked door rings across the dark and empty parking lot.
Like any smart man I immediately noped the fuck out of there and went home. It wasn’t until I got into bed that I realized I had the breakfast shift the next day!

The next morning I got in around 6 and the kitchen had been opened by the kitchen manager who was putting around getting ready for a banquet later that day. I asked her if anyone had been back on the bar line that morning and she said no. So I decided to go check it out quickly and then get on with my day. I rounded the corner and the fucking pot was still on the hook. This was deeply disturbing to me and I made every effort from that moment forward to never be on the bar line alone.

25. The lights turned off by themselves

I stayed at a rented condo with my wife. The toilet broke and flooded the bathroom when no one was in it. We left the fan/light on to let the floor dry but the light switch would turn itself off. I got up to investigate. I saw a shadowy figure standing across the living room (about 15′ away). It was dark to begin with so i assumed i was seeing myself in a mirror or something. Nope, it was a doorway to an unused bedroom.

This all happened in a 3 hour timespan.

26. My bed shook for no apparent reason

This happened to me as a guest at a hotel – the Radisson in Gastown, the old part of Vancouver.

The first thing was that we both saw a figure walk past the window late at night. Only thing was, our room was on about the fourth floor and faced a wall. There was no fire escape outside or anything else someone could walk on.

A couple of nights later, my bed suddenly gave a massive jolt. I was laying still, updating LJ on my laptop. My friend also saw the bed move. It was a divan, no legs to wobble or collapse. It just felt like the whole bed had been shunted hard.

We asked the desk staff whether anyone had reported anything, and they said there were stories about some of the rooms but as far as they were aware, not ours.

27. He saw a clone of his wife

So yeah, not me but my uncle. Here goes.

My uncle just got married, in his 40’s his first marriage (and only so far). For their honey moon he, his wife and her daughter (Special needs child, she’s awesome) went to stay in a cabin on Big Bear mountain in SoCal.

They rented the cabin, unpacked all their shit and settled in for a 3 day stay. On the last night my uncle was up watching TV very late at night. His wife and step daughter had gone to bed and he had to use the restroom. So he gets up, goes to the restroom, does his business and exits the restroom.

The only light on in the whole cabin is that from the TV in the living room but it was bright enough to light the whole living room, and part of the hallway.

As he opened the door to the restroom he saw his wife walk down towards the kitchen, he figured she’d gotten up and was hungry so he was gonna go talk with her. He followed after her and when she reached the end of the hallway she turned slightly in the direction of the kitchen and then at warp speed walked/ran/vaulted into the kitchen.. Faster than a human could move. This figure was wearing a long flowing white gown similar to the one his wife had worn to bed and she had slightly longer than shoulder length hair.

Kinda wigged out he took a few steps back and peaked into the room where his wife and stepdaughter were asleep and found both of them in bed, asleep.

Needless to say he couldn’t sleep after that and they left the next morning. He called up the guy that he had rented the cabin from and said “Hey, you didn’t tell me the cabin was haunted!” and the guy said “Oh, you saw her” he said “her“, though my uncle hadn’t specified what he had seen, proving that he knew a whacked out speedster she-ghost was in fact haunting the cabin.

28. The television caught on fire

I don’t work in a hotel, but a few years ago, my company put me up in a little town along the Florida coast. It was a motel-like building and half of it was closed off due to construction. As I walk back to my room, I saw a guy in a semi selling things outta the back of his truck. That was weird. I get to my room, and there are some highly visible spider webs that are somewhat off putting. So I turn on the television and it CATCHES FIRE. So I call the front desk and ask them to come back with a fire extinguisher and tell my company that they need to find me somewhere else.

29. The phone rung when it was broken

Was working in a older, some say haunted, pub. it used to have rooms on the second floor, but not any more. (due to ghosts and murder). the kitchen was always bad for strange shit. one night it is about 2am and there is only myself and a gaming attendant on site. I go into the kitchen and the phone starts ringing, it’s a redirected call. The tongs and pots and pans are all clanking and rattling. I pick up the phone, and there is no-one there. Complete silence. I return to the gaming room and asked the other worker, how did you know to transfer the phone call into the kitchen? She didn’t know I was over there, and couldn’t see me. Gaming attendant said ” phone hasn’t rung in hours, what are you talking about?” Immediate terror ensues.

Oh yes, approximately 8 years ago, one of the old drunks who lived upstairs, killed one of the other old drunks, with a bar stool. Body discovered next day by admin lady.

Building has been a hotel for near enough 150 -200 years, so has some stories to tell.

30. A man ripped off his clothes and started masturbating

Long-suffering hotel guy. One of my favorite stories happened just after I started at one of my first hotels:

The short version is the that a dude got amazingly drunk very late one night and didn’t sober up before check-out time. We needed the room so we were sorta nagging him to GTFO. At some point well after whatever time he was suppose to be gone, he Hulked out with rage but instead of physically threatening one of us, he just barricaded himself in the room, ripped off all his clothes, stood on the window sill (behind those monstrous hotel windows) and began masturbating furiously.

New check-ins were already arriving and his room was right above the front porte cochere so they were being greeted by quite the display. We ended up calling the cops and a couple firemen broke down the door to haul him away.

We charged him a late check-out fee and to replace the door.


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