There Is Something Liberating About Letting God Write Your Story

There is something comforting about letting God handle your difficulties; the things you can’t control and the things that need a miracle. When you leave it all up to him and when you trust that somehow he will get you through it.

There is something reassuring about letting God handle the consequences; that’s why you take risks, that’s why you try, that’s why you fail and that is why you make mistakes. There is something fearless about letting God help you overcome your fears and there is something safe in walking into the unknown when you have enough faith.

There is something peaceful about loneliness when you know God is with you, when you know he sees what no one sees, when you believe he understands what you can’t explain and when you trust that he is listening to the words you’re not saying.

At the end of the day everything is written by the hands of God. He is the only one who can change your story, erase it and rewrite it, keep it exactly like it’s supposed to be or write miracles in your destiny because of how much you’ve prayed for them.

No matter how many times we punch the wall or try so hard to avoid something, if God wants it in our story, it will happen and it will be part of it.

Why are some stories easier than others? Why are some stories better than others? Why are all stories not equally fair?

Because simply God gives everyone what they can handle and sometimes we think we can handle so much more than what we have but God knows that we can’t. Handling too much or getting everything you ever asked for can sometimes destroy you instead of building you up.

And sometimes you get everything you want and then it gets taken away from you and this is also part of your story.

Your story is all about winning and losing, destruction and rebirth, pain and joy, consistency and change, faith and disbelief, safety and fear.

Your story can drive you crazy if you’re too attached to it and if you’re constantly questioning it and trying to change it.

I think part of the reason your story is so crazy is that God wants you to know that there is nothing constant except for him. That there is no one better to lean on and trust except for him, that there is no one who will bring you what you want except for him and there is no one who can rewrite your destiny except for him.

There is something liberating about handing the pen to God and letting him do his work.


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