4 Reasons Why Guys Won’t Commit From A Guy’s Perspective

Guys, sorry, but one of us has to put an end all these articles assuming on why we are incapable of having a committed relationship. I have done my fair research and have stumbled across endless reasons on why us guys won’t take it to the next level with girls. Most of these write-ups have been done by the female gender, and most of them have some good points, but in this letter I will let all you ladies in on what really goes on in our brains.

Dear Amazing Girl,

I get it, things have been going great, like really great. We hangout all the time, you know all the guys, I kind of know your girls, and the s#x is great. We even have had the talk, well YOU have had the talk with me. I say I’m not looking for anything serious, you pretend like its okay because everything else is great, but deep down it kills you. And for guys everywhere that do this to you, I am sorry.

I truly am deeply sorry. The last thing I want to do is hurt you, and I know me not wanting the commitment does that. I look at it as me being honest with you, and not trying to give you a wrong impression, because I know that can be even more hurtful. Anyways, you brush it off, and things go back to normal. A few days go by and you’re right back at my apartment watching sports and playing video games with me. Like yes, I understand, you’re completely perfect and I am a fucking idiot for not seeing it! But I do see it.

That’s why I want to basically spend all my free time with you. We’re practically dating minus the label, and it’s just something I don’t want. Why? Well that’s the million-dollar question, and I am about to reveal the reasons why.

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