When You’re Just Too F*cking Stubborn NOT To Love Each Other

I’ve long considered my boyfriend of five years (or eight, depending on how you count) the actual Man Of My Dreams. But sometimes, I wonder if we can do forever. I don’t doubt that I love him with every morsel of my being. Still, I wonder if we’ll make it as a couple long-term simply because shit happens, no matter how much you love each other, and because relationships are hard work.

Our love is the passionate kind, and things between us are often beyond storybook awesome. We are best friends and confidantes. We are each other’s biggest supporters and truest fans. We adore each other’s bodies and brains. We are aligned in our everyday hopes and future dreams. The s#x is unbelievable, the intimacy unmatched, and the bond underlying it all remarkably strong.

But when we fight, things get ugly fast, and we drive each other absolutely insane.

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