Why it is so difficult trusting someone when they have cheated on you.

We all had trust issues within us, put there by the people we have dated in the past. People who treated us unfairly.

This is the aftermath of an unfaithful partner. It may destroy us immediately but this hunts us for a lifetime. It leaves behind a scar that remains deep down within us even after they are gone. 

It makes us feel inadequate. It makes us feel like trash; like nothing. It leaves an emptiness in us. We feel we will never be enough for anyone. That we will always be an option in someones life. We will never trust again and will always check for signs of cheating in our next partner. We watch for strange behaviors in our partners even when there is none. The shadows of our cheating ex will always chase us. We begin to see things that isn't real. We begin to wait for when the relationship is over. Saying to ourselves "it is just a matter of time"

You venture into any relationship with distrust and this will ruin the relationship even before it begun.

Their mistake begin to become our greatest undoing. Until it drains the life out of you. 

We need to own our hearts and realize it is ours and not theirs. It need to begin to trust our heart again. Mend the broken heart and begin to live once again. We cannot give out ex the satisfaction of ruining our lives. Not again. Our ex belongs in the past and we should learn to keep them there.  

Live a little and let your heart get hurt. It is the only way we learn. We can't keep looking over our shoulders. We just let ourselves to love again.
We need to learn to trust again — begin on a fresh slate — and learn to live in the "now" and not in the "then"

We all deserve that.


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