Her Child Complained Thinking It Was Poison Oak But It Was Something Much More Worse

#1 Mandy Suzanne Smith Picked Up Her Son Looking Like This

Right away when Mandy Smith picked up her son, she knew something was wrong. But it was about to get much, much worse.

#2 Stevens Johnsons Sydrome

After days of the same thing, they found out the horrible truth. The boy had Stevens Johnsons Syndrome, a skin disorder that burns you up from the inside.

#3 It Was The Medication

As it turned out, the boy was having an allergic reaction to the very medicine that the mom was giving him to try to make him better. Mandy admitted, “We never even thought what was going on with him could have been an allergic reaction because he had been on it for 12 days. So I thought surely if he was having some type of reaction to it then it would have happened the first night that he had taken it. I was giving him the very thing that was killing him and had no idea.”

#4 Taken To Hospital

He was taken to hospital. Unfortunately, his condition quickly worsened.

#5 Airlifted To Another Hospital

The poor boy actually had to be airlifted to a hospital who knew how to deal with this illness. Hi skin had to be wrapped in a bio-membrane.

#6 Medically Induced Coma

The surgery involved putting the boy into a medically induced coma, and surgically removing his skin. Then, they had to allow the boy time for the skin to regrow. The mother said that, “A few hours later they allowed me to come back into the icu room and see him. He had been put into a coma, was completely wrapped up from head to toe, and had tubes everywhere, with a machine breathing for him. I broke down. I was so overwhelmed and just could not believe that this was actually happening. The only question I could ask the doctor was “is he going to make it?” And when his answer was “I don’t know” that killed me even more. I needed reassurance. I needed to hear “yes, he is going to be okay”

#7 He's Okay

Luckily, the surgery was a success. The boy is completely healthy today.


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