
Showing posts from January, 2017

This Mom Posted These Creepy Texts From A Man Who Asked Her 6-Year-Old Daughter To Call Him ‘Daddy’

As many of us millennials have grown up, we have slowly become more comfortable with the internet and the idea of meeting people online. However, maybe we’ve become a little  too  comfortable. This mom was happy to set her 6-year-old daughter up playing Roblox, an app-based game that seemed child friendly. What she didn’t know was that the game had a chat feature, and that creepy-ass pedophiles used it to talk to young kids playing the game. So, as you can imagine, Jemma Casey, the mother, was shocked when she saw these messages on her daughter’s screen: via  Facebook The first message opens by calling the 6-year-old “bae.” Then mom takes the wheel, and asks the older user “who he thinks he is talking to.” The man goes on to make it perfectly clear:  “You bae.” He then says that while in the game, the girl should call him “daddy.” Casey confronts the man about his exact age, and he suddenly ghosts, probably realizing he is probably talking to an adult. She decided to share screenshots

What It Means To Love A Girl Who Has Lived Through Trauma

A girl who has lived through trauma has lived through a situation where her body, her mind, her self was not her own. Where she felt disjointed, ripped from her self, safety, and sanity. It was a moment, an experience, a something where her trust was smashed, her worth was gone and all there was was pain. A girl who has lived through trauma is the girl who was pushed into the deep end of the pool when she didn’t know how to swim, but somehow found her way to the ledge anyway. She walked through a forest fire and didn’t succumb to the smoke, but dealt with the burns and made it out in spite of the flames. She found herself in free fall but refused to break upon impact. She survived. She did. But the thing about trauma, is that even when it is over it never really goes away. And sometimes trauma is loud. Sometimes it’s the monster banging at the windows and screaming gutturally and demonically inside of nightmares. It’s nails on a chalkboard and an earthquake that rattles everyone’s floo

20 Things You Should Stop Wasting Your Time Doing In Your 20s

1. Deciding your worth based on your social media ‘likes.’ It’s okay if you didn’t break 100 likes. I promise. No one is actually checking anyway and if someone is then they’ve got their own issues to deal with. Double or triple digit ‘likes’ do not make you enough. 2. Constantly comparing yourself to your friends. It’s not a competition to see who can get the best job the fastest or who can move out of their parents house and make it the longest without coming home. It’s not a competition or a race because sometimes the best things take time. It’s very unlikely for you to just wind up at your dream job right off the graduation stage. You might not be ready just yet and that’s okay. Just keep working towards what you want and hangout with people who help push you to get there. 3. Staying in a relationship because you’re scared to be alone. Or maybe you’re scared that there’s no one else around or that you’ll have to deal with dating again. So you stay in your unhappy relationship in yo

Here’s The 19 Most Hilarious ‘Wrong Number’ Text Convos You’ll Ever Read

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

10 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl Who Likes To ‘Fix’ People

1. She doesn’t give up easily.  A girl who likes to fix people, doesn’t stop trying and she will not  quit you  if she loves you. She doesn’t give up on people because they erred in some way and you’re no exception. 2. She sees the best in you.  She always looks beyond the superficialities, she looks for depth and meaning in you and your life and she will always see the best in you and your true potential even if you can’t see it yourself. 3. She will never stop trying to fix herself too.  She’s not only interested in fixing others, she knows that she’s still a work in progress too, and she will always try to be better than who she was yesterday and fix her own problems first. 4. She doesn’t lose hope.  No matter how many people tell her that she can’t fix people, that people can only fix themselves — she knows that everyone needs help sometimes, even if they don’t admit it, and she will not let anyone discourage her from trying to help someone who is  broken. 5. She will heal your bro

82 Generic White Guy Names And What They Say About His Personality

1. Todd: Wears loafers. Knows specifically what Ralph Lauren line looks best on him. 2. Garrett: Wears glasses, doesn’t need them. 3. Will: From the Northeast, played lacrosse in high school and thought he would be recruited, but wasn’t. Always slightly shorter than you want him to be. 4. Chad: Evil. 5. Brian: Super picky eater. His girlfriend will always end up financially supporting him. 6. Bryan: Totally different from Brian. Wears a lot of Hawaiian shirts. 7. Ryan: Never texts you back because he’s perpetually on some “comedy tour.” 8. Ross: Not conventionally attractive, but super fucking funny. 9. Chase: Joined, like, a super niche indie band and plays the bagpipes and some other instrument nobody has ever heard of. Lives in Europe now because “Europeans appreciate the arts.” Whatever, Chase. 10. Colin: Lives in Patagonia fleeces, no matter what temperature it is outside. 11. Greg: That guy who shows up uninvited to things. The target to be roasted in all group texts. Handles it

25 Ways To Accidentally Ruin Your Life By 25

1. Take a job that doesn’t fulfill or inspire you in order to pay the bills and then forget to leave. 2. Date someone who doesn’t challenge you and stay with them, because it’s easier than taking a chance on being single. 3. Get the education that your parents wanted you to get and ignore the education (be it institutional or experiential) that you always wanted to get. 4. Stay in one place when you really want to go and explore. 5. Go and explore when you really want to stay in one place. 6. Become so attached to any part of your identity that you forget you’re allowed to experiment and grow and change. 7. Become so obsessed with saving money that you forget to invest in the life that’s quickly passing you by. 8. Continuously tell yourself that you’ll try for the things you want once you are richer or fitter or more educated. 9. Base the majority of your decisions on the fear of rejection rather than the potential for growth. 10. Only love the people that it makes sense for you to lov